Monday, August 27, 2018

The Odd psychology of Israel

(originally posted Feb. 2018)

One day a short skinny boy with oversized glasses went to the park and  sat down under a tree to read a book. Neighborhood kids immediately recognized him as a victim, and threw rocks at him.  People gathered to watch the fight, but instead of throwing rocks at the bullies, he stomped his feet and said “I have a right to defend myself.” Surprised onlookers decided he was odd, . Kids in the crowd began to dream up tortures to use in the future. He kept talking .almost pleading, explaining why he had every right to throw the rocks he was not throwing and why it was wrong for the others to throw rocks at him. Nobody noticed. If anyone had they they didn't care.

As a way of handling bullies his actions were worse than ineffective. .By the way, his name was Israel. Nobody needs an advanced psychology degree to see that this kid has serious problems and that unless he changes, his life will not turn out well. Yet Israel, - the country - appears to not grasp this very elemental truth and behaves the same way.

When terrorists kill people, the Israeli media hides it. The Prime Minister, presidents and other politicians constantly tell the UN, press conferences and heads of tell the world  “We have a right to defend ourselves” Their actions don’t back it up..

If you hate Israel you might want to thank them for fighting so poorly. You can be a bully and get away with it. You can aim missiles at kindergartens knowing that as long as you have no terrorist uniform, the Israeli army will classify you as innocent civilian and not shoot back. You can destroy the remains of their holiest place, confident that they will not stop you and probably will help you by putting your rights to be there above above the rights of their own. Try to murder an Israeli; If you don't succeed there is often no punishment. You can tell the whole world obvious lies about Israelis knowing they won’t stop you. If you hate Israel and were born there,  Israel will pay for thatr excellent education you can use to destroy them. 
You know Israel builds amazing weapons. Thank Alla, they have no spine. You can start wars, knowing that if they fight back and conquer part of your country, they give it back. If you end up in jail you will be released at a prisoner exchange. .If their level of pride matched the their weapons, most likely, you would have given up a long time ago. They are the ones who taught you that your cause is not lost.
I am a Jewish mother who loves Israel and Israelis.  I worry. Something is seriously wrong when we allow people to treat us so shabbily, when we look to others for permission to act rather than pursuing our interests and needs, and when our actions put the needs of our enemy above our own. 
Can we change this? How? 

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