Saturday, September 22, 2018

Showdown at the Gaza Corral -

(originally posted in 4/2017)

 If the person in the story,  did nothing as more and more balloons reached him, burning his crop, and some buildings in the property injuring his daughter, he or she would immediately be recognized as as insane, bizarre, irresponsible (in caring fir his children) by everyone. Yet , this is what Israel did when Hamas sent balloons, anything that could fly ,even condoms, into Israel. Each had a little firebomb attached.   How can the illogic of such behavior elude Israel? 

The actions of Israel's leaders, the strength they do not muster, their consistent denial of what their enemies are doing to destroy them, their seeming inability to even recognize people like Abbas as the enemy, their failure to take the initiative, the unrealistic and lethal principals they teach and demand of their soldiers named 'purity of arms' the goal  to never kill a civilian,  the concessions they make, the consistent policy that puts enemy lives over their own, their need for approval rather than respect from others and the disastrous foreign policy consequences are destructive  and demoralizing..

Incredibly , they haven't noticed that the strategy is not working. Dropping leaflets over homes, aborting missions when people who look like civilians are present (even though Hamas do not wear uniforms)  temporary ceasefires that allow Hamas to rearm, submitting to pressure to stop before the job is finished have earned them no approval., more reports condemning their actions that any other nation on earth.  Failing to complain rewards those who hate them fanning th flames of  Jew hatred.  The picture that the world gets of them is more ir less the opposite.

For   many  months Hamas has been launching balloon bombs into Isael's south. This caused, destruction, injuries, loss of homes, mental breakdowns and a major ecological disaster.  What has Israel done? The IDF tries to shoot the balloons down and Israeli firefighters try to put our fires.   There have been no actions to stop this., no complaints to the world community , no photographs of now extinct species. The financial costs are astronomical. Nobody knows. 

Strangely, the only clear action was negotiation with Hamas about a Hudna - a temporary cease fire. An airport and dock were on the table.  The Israeli population surveyed at the time had a clear point of view. If the negotiations failed, they wanted military action that this time,  did not stop until Hamas surrendered unconditionally 

The constant wars with Gaza  are officially named campaigns but everyone knows they are wars, that have taken the lives of too many Israelis.  Before any one 'campaign' is over, people try to guess how long it will be until the next one. If you don't end a war, you end up fighting it again and again and..... The number of people who die, the damage, disruption of life, PTSD is much higher.  Israelis hate wars. and rarely agree on anything  When most Israelis say it would be better to have one, this is a strong statement..

If only someone would listen.

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