Can we stop antisemitism?
Middle East Blues
Thursday, October 10, 2019
United Jewish Front 2/12/2019
United Jewish Front- Mission Statement
Below please find a draft of a mission statement for the group. Please comment on
changes, additions etc. that I volunteer to redraft and post to hain agreement
United Jewish Front - Mission Statement Draft
Goal- to Induce successful Jewish activism against Antisemitism
Think tank ( small group) that based on analysis, research, resources required,
and how success can be achieved, evaluates potential projects.
2. Security - Closed group off of FB, with parallel group? on FB to, gather info, and other tasks when needed
3. List major problems to be addressed, prioritize (cost benefit) -
4. Recruit project leader(s) for specific projects - and jointly develop specific plans, tactics, obstacles and how to handle ,recruiting, methods, success criteria
5. Document successful projects ( new or existing) for replication. (like franchises)
6. Address issue of getting the word out in the absence of media
7. Address issue of community unity against antisemitism (loose union? unthreatening?)
Below please find a draft of a mission statement for the group. Please comment on
changes, additions etc. that I volunteer to redraft and post to hain agreement
United Jewish Front - Mission Statement Draft
Goal- to Induce successful Jewish activism against Antisemitism
Think tank ( small group) that based on analysis, research, resources required,
and how success can be achieved, evaluates potential projects.
2. Security - Closed group off of FB, with parallel group? on FB to, gather info, and other tasks when needed
3. List major problems to be addressed, prioritize (cost benefit) -
4. Recruit project leader(s) for specific projects - and jointly develop specific plans, tactics, obstacles and how to handle ,recruiting, methods, success criteria
5. Document successful projects ( new or existing) for replication. (like franchises)
6. Address issue of getting the word out in the absence of media
7. Address issue of community unity against antisemitism (loose union? unthreatening?)
You never win by dying foir your country, You win by getting the other guy to die for his country
General Patton
The purpose of this blog is to provide a place where a community of concerned individuals can share and improve each other's ideas to facilitate solutions.
1.To provide a venue where ideas that are more complex than many ideas on FB, can be fleshed out with the help of others and presented to appropriate audiences
2. Effective, ineffective, and even counterproductive reactions. What to do when you think there is no hope for the future? How to keep a perspective?
3. Editorials on Specific Topics. Examples
Problems with the Omnibus Bill
Problems with Israeli leaders
The Invisible Jews.
4 List of Ideas/and plans that could, should be fleshed out
5. Add topics as we move, identify participants, get info into the hands that can make it happen.
I look forward to your ideas and thoughts
Monday, September 23, 2019
Israel's Greatest Existential threat
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The Greatest Existential threat we face is ourselves |
Jewish history is a tale of assimilation. Every civilization we encountered seduced us, from Babylon, Rome, the renaissance, scientific revolution etc. In every instance, most Jew chose the exit door. Hellenist Jews stretched their foreskins to participate in Roman gymnasiums. Upper class Jews chose power and wealth over tradition. Former Jews became inquisitors, popes, politicians and Arab rulers. For many, the way of life around them was preferable to the isolation, restrictions, poverty, rejection and humiliation of being Jewish. Those who chose a Jewish life and passed it on through generations were small in number but strong in devotion. While we view assimilation as a threat, it is also responsible for our survival.
What happens when assimilation is no longer an option as in Israel today. If you are born in Israel we call you Jewish. But are you? Are people who embrace Palestinians but hate orthodox Jews, who have no interest in Jewish holy sites, who complain when Jewish holidays interrupt their lives, who make settler a dirty word, and want a Palestinian state in the west bank more than most residents there Jewish simply because they live in Israel? They continue to embrace Europe and the US democratic party ignoring their antisemitism, by accepting a narrative that blames Israel using words like apartheid, genocidal, by supporting a double standard and perpetuating the fiction that building on the west bank is what causes war. When a Jew kills a Palestinian they blame him and the ‘ extreme right wing’ group he is a member of but bury the numbers of Jews slaughtered by Palestinians terrorists.
Are these Jews’s or goyim who speak hebrew? In any other country, they would have assimilated. In the U.S. we call then Jews in name only, and other noncompliments. In Israel, they are national leaders who wield political power.
Benny Ganz and his gang of ‘pacifist’ generals are examples. They despise orthodox Jews but are considering forming a government with genocidal Muslims of the joint list . Ganz, a champion of purity of arms ( a doctrine that every soldier in the IDF must embrace,) that requires never killing civilians. He and others take pride in their superioir miorality, that protects lives of ‘innocent’ women and children. But how? at what price? The answer - by aborting critical missions if (people dressed like) civilians are present, by refusing to give soldiers permission to fire, and even come to the aid of other IDF soldiers. This policy sacrifices Jewish blood and puts Palestinian lives above our own. A nationwide attack of amnesia ignores his flagrant refusal to a make a plan for retaking Gaza because “there is no military solution to Gaza.”
This man has already rejected Judaism and Jews, and embraced a ‘replacement theology’ that has no room for observant, Jews especially those who staunchly refuse to look and behave like ‘everybody else’. The IDF is Israel’s most effective assimilation tool and forcing army service for Haredim at a time when their services are not needed (Overall, fewer soldiers are needed, draft dodging in Tel Aviv over 20% is ignored and national service positionsd are limited by job scarcity. Ultra -orthodox Jews understand the truie objective, perceive a threat and refuse to turn over their kids. Regardless of my personal point of view here (I believe in univerdsal service) , in Israel, a Jewish state, they are entitled to the same religious tolerance given to Muslims, whose disloyalty is expected and respected . To demonstrate ‘ tolerance for Islam’, IDF soldiers were prohibited from eating in areas where Muslims were present during Ramadan. The IDF has never given Jews the same religious consideration. A law suit charging the IDF with violation of religious rights would be reasonable and interesting.
This happened before, three thousand years ago, the last time Israel was our country. Israelites joined surrounding pagan groups, participated in their customs , religious rituals and intermarried. Relations between tribes, strained from the get go, erupted into wars with IDED by alliances of some tribes with foreign Canaanite countries as allies. Ignoring the warnings of prophets, Israelites did not retain their beliefs, values or unity. The Canaanite wives they took brought their religion with them and the fertility goddesses they worshiped are being excavated in the city of David as we speak, Solomon built temples for his pagan wives, with taxes that broke the backs of distant tribes. The Israelites split and over time military leaders (Jephthah) and Kings (Edomites -e.g. Herod) whose ties were tenuous or nonexistent ruled.
Weak in principals, national pride and crippled by internal hate, downfall was inevitable. The Rabbis tell us that the second temple was destroyed because of pointless hatred between Jews.
Can this happen again? think about it.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Showdown at the Gaza Corral -
(originally posted in 4/2017)
If the person in the story, did nothing as more and more balloons reached him, burning his crop, and some buildings in the property injuring his daughter, he or she would immediately be recognized as as insane, bizarre, irresponsible (in caring fir his children) by everyone. Yet , this is what Israel did when Hamas sent balloons, anything that could fly ,even condoms, into Israel. Each had a little firebomb attached. How can the illogic of such behavior elude Israel?
The actions of Israel's leaders, the strength they do not muster, their consistent denial of what their enemies are doing to destroy them, their seeming inability to even recognize people like Abbas as the enemy, their failure to take the initiative, the unrealistic and lethal principals they teach and demand of their soldiers named 'purity of arms' the goal to never kill a civilian, the concessions they make, the consistent policy that puts enemy lives over their own, their need for approval rather than respect from others and the disastrous foreign policy consequences are destructive and demoralizing..
Incredibly , they haven't noticed that the strategy is not working. Dropping leaflets over homes, aborting missions when people who look like civilians are present (even though Hamas do not wear uniforms) temporary ceasefires that allow Hamas to rearm, submitting to pressure to stop before the job is finished have earned them no approval., more reports condemning their actions that any other nation on earth. Failing to complain rewards those who hate them fanning th flames of Jew hatred. The picture that the world gets of them is more ir less the opposite.
For many months Hamas has been launching balloon bombs into Isael's south. This caused, destruction, injuries, loss of homes, mental breakdowns and a major ecological disaster. What has Israel done? The IDF tries to shoot the balloons down and Israeli firefighters try to put our fires. There have been no actions to stop this., no complaints to the world community , no photographs of now extinct species. The financial costs are astronomical. Nobody knows.
Strangely, the only clear action was negotiation with Hamas about a Hudna - a temporary cease fire. An airport and dock were on the table. The Israeli population surveyed at the time had a clear point of view. If the negotiations failed, they wanted military action that this time, did not stop until Hamas surrendered unconditionally
The constant wars with Gaza are officially named campaigns but everyone knows they are wars, that have taken the lives of too many Israelis. Before any one 'campaign' is over, people try to guess how long it will be until the next one. If you don't end a war, you end up fighting it again and again and..... The number of people who die, the damage, disruption of life, PTSD is much higher. Israelis hate wars. and rarely agree on anything When most Israelis say it would be better to have one, this is a strong statement..
If only someone would listen.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Muda Zahran's Progressive Solution for peace between Israel and Palestinians
Mudar Zahran’s progressive Solution for Israel and Palestinians
An Arab spring in Jordan is causing a severe humanitarian crisis Few people know that most Jordanians (75%) are Palestinian victims of severe discrimination. Palestinians in Jordan, are denied schools, medical care, jobs and civil rights, simply because they are Palestinians. 60% of the county’s GDP funds King Abdulla’s II lavish lifestyle. Queen Reina spends more than any other Royal on her wardrobe (313 thousand dollars annually) while Jordanians starve. Children dig through garbage already emptied of food. There were tears in Abed AlMalia (a Bedouin Sheikh in the largest tribe in Jordan - Beni Hassan ) cried when he displayed this picture at a conference a year ago.

Jordanians have had enough. Many are risking their lives to join demonstration demanding the king’s resignation. .
It’s been a long time since a leader put his life on the line to fulfill a humanitarian vision. Dr. Zahran’s vision is a Palestinian homeland based in Jordan. Palestinians who live in the West bank are Jordanians who hold Jordanian passports. and have a legal right to enter or live in the rest of Jordan - a right that the King ignored and that Dr. Zahran will restore.
Mudar Zahran calls himself a Palestinian Jordanian, His family left Jerusalem in 1948 when Jordan’s King told them they would return in few weeks. Seventy years later many are still waiting. Zahran’s family refused to be victimized and worked their way into the Jordanian elite. Mudar could have had a cushy life. Instead, he jutoce and better life for his people. When he. publicly opposed the King and and was sentenced to hard labor for life (read death) he ws forced to flee and was granted sanctuary in Great Britain.
Despite fierce opposition, seemingly insurmountable obstacles and death threats , he built the Palestinian government in Exile, filled cabinet positions, outlined their duties and established a constitution for the New Jordan - a homeland for Palestinians in the same way that Israel is a homeland for Jews. Any Palestinian who wishes to live there will be welcomed. The New Jordan will be a country where people are treated equally, where the government provides education, medical care to all, and where people are not victims of a very small small greedy royal family (88 at last count) that steals Palestinian charity money. Without the king, Jordan’s annual budget will more than double.
Mudar Zahran has accomplished what many view as impossible. He has built a strong relationship with Israel and gained their support. Israel sees in Zahran the genuine peace partner they have been looking for - someone they can negotiate with, who will keep his word, and who is genuinely committed to peace. While details of an agreement remain it’s outlines are agreed upon.
Both Israel and New Jordan will gain immeasurably. An end to incitement, pay to slay and terrorism inflamed by the Hashemite Jordanian king are clear and immediate benefits to Israel. Palestinians could be citizens of Jordan regardless of where they they chose to live. Similarly, Jews would have the right to live in Jordan and be citizens of Israel if they wished. People would have choices and nobody would have to relocate
Israel would, empower citizens of the new Jordan with technology, with drip irrigation and aeroponics proven to increase yield per dunam, currently in use across China, with field hospitals that are used in crises all over the world and that address poverty iworldwide. Medicine is a very popular profession among Israeli Arabs who could choose to help. Israelis will benefit from lower food and consumer prices and control of terrorism. Joint tourism could be a profitable industry and Jordan’s free trade zone could provide Israel a gateway for trade in the middle east.
For naby a two state solution has become an impossible dream. Most Israelis want it but don’t think it can ever happen. Palestinians agree. We have a unique and rare opportunity to implement progressive goals in the middle east. Such an opportunity will probably not come again.
Mudar Zahran is a rare Arab leader who deserves our strong support. To learn more about Dr. Zahran watch his videos on youtube or contact him on facebook.
Jordanians have had enough. Many are risking their lives to join demonstration demanding the king’s resignation. .
It’s been a long time since a leader put his life on the line to fulfill a humanitarian vision. Dr. Zahran’s vision is a Palestinian homeland based in Jordan. Palestinians who live in the West bank are Jordanians who hold Jordanian passports. and have a legal right to enter or live in the rest of Jordan - a right that the King ignored and that Dr. Zahran will restore.
Mudar Zahran calls himself a Palestinian Jordanian, His family left Jerusalem in 1948 when Jordan’s King told them they would return in few weeks. Seventy years later many are still waiting. Zahran’s family refused to be victimized and worked their way into the Jordanian elite. Mudar could have had a cushy life. Instead, he jutoce and better life for his people. When he. publicly opposed the King and and was sentenced to hard labor for life (read death) he ws forced to flee and was granted sanctuary in Great Britain.
Despite fierce opposition, seemingly insurmountable obstacles and death threats , he built the Palestinian government in Exile, filled cabinet positions, outlined their duties and established a constitution for the New Jordan - a homeland for Palestinians in the same way that Israel is a homeland for Jews. Any Palestinian who wishes to live there will be welcomed. The New Jordan will be a country where people are treated equally, where the government provides education, medical care to all, and where people are not victims of a very small small greedy royal family (88 at last count) that steals Palestinian charity money. Without the king, Jordan’s annual budget will more than double.
Mudar Zahran has accomplished what many view as impossible. He has built a strong relationship with Israel and gained their support. Israel sees in Zahran the genuine peace partner they have been looking for - someone they can negotiate with, who will keep his word, and who is genuinely committed to peace. While details of an agreement remain it’s outlines are agreed upon.
Both Israel and New Jordan will gain immeasurably. An end to incitement, pay to slay and terrorism inflamed by the Hashemite Jordanian king are clear and immediate benefits to Israel. Palestinians could be citizens of Jordan regardless of where they they chose to live. Similarly, Jews would have the right to live in Jordan and be citizens of Israel if they wished. People would have choices and nobody would have to relocate
Israel would, empower citizens of the new Jordan with technology, with drip irrigation and aeroponics proven to increase yield per dunam, currently in use across China, with field hospitals that are used in crises all over the world and that address poverty iworldwide. Medicine is a very popular profession among Israeli Arabs who could choose to help. Israelis will benefit from lower food and consumer prices and control of terrorism. Joint tourism could be a profitable industry and Jordan’s free trade zone could provide Israel a gateway for trade in the middle east.
For naby a two state solution has become an impossible dream. Most Israelis want it but don’t think it can ever happen. Palestinians agree. We have a unique and rare opportunity to implement progressive goals in the middle east. Such an opportunity will probably not come again.
Mudar Zahran is a rare Arab leader who deserves our strong support. To learn more about Dr. Zahran watch his videos on youtube or contact him on facebook.
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